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The Creativity of Brick Matching: The Future of Brick Additions
This one-hour, on-demand program teaches participants how to make new construction match existing masonry. Participants will observe a number of projects in which matching was attempted and discover why some failed and others succeeded.
Topics include selecting the right brick, making use of the physical brick-blending process, selecting a masonry coloring process, and specifying matching masonry in architectural plans. The presenter is an expert on the subject matter with over 30 years of hands-on experience in the brick industry.
Masonry is among the longest-lasting building materials on the planet, and that doesn't change when you choose our proprietary staining system. We believe that, and that's why we put our money where our mouth is. Unless a coating is applied, or there is an Act of God, we stand behind a lifetime warranty for our brick stains on absorbent masonry.
architectural specifications
Section 042510 – UNIT “Masonry Staining”
Section Includes
Brush applied Proven masonry Stain applied to porous exterior surfaces including:
Clay Masonry Units | Block | Manufactured Stone | Natural Stone | Mortar | Precast Concrete
Related Sections
Division 4 Section “Masonry Restoration and Cleaning”
Unit Masonry Section 04-20-00
Contact Information
Masonry Cosmetics, Inc.
3210 Sugar Maple Business Ct, South Bend, IN 46628
Tel: 574-234-1812
Fax: 574-234-2240
Remove hardware, machined surfaces, lighting fixtures and similar items already installed that are not being stained. If removal is impractical or impossible because of size and weight of the item, provide surface- applied protection before surface preparation and staining.
1. After completing staining operations, reinstall items removed using workers skilled in trades involved.
Surface Preparation
Clean and prepare surfaces to be stained according to manufacturer’s written instructions for each particular substrate condition and as specified.
1. Remove surface dirt, oil or grease by washing with a detergent solution recommended by masonry manufacturer; rinse thoroughly with clean water and allow to dry.
2. Walls will need to be free of any acid or cleaning solution residue prior to any staining. Keeping the PH level on the wall as close to neutral as possible.
3. Ensure structurally sound surfaces that are dry, clean and free of the following: dirt, moisture, loose particles, oil, grease, asphalt, tar, paint, wax, rust, waterproofing, curing and parting compounds and other foreign matter.