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About Shawn Hoffman

Shawn began his journey with Masonry Cosmetics in 1998, when he spent his college summer breaks working as a staining applicator. After graduating from Hocking College in 2000 with a degree in Ceramic Engineering, he joined the team full-time. 


With his strong work ethic, thorough attention-to-detail and eagerness to excel, he quickly moved his way up the ranks. From Applicator to Crew Lead, then Team Supervisor to Regional Sales Manager, he was then announced as the Vice President in 2022.

This West Virginia native moved to South Bend, Indiana in 2000, and now resides in the Indianapolis area with his wife of 16 years, Holly, and their 11-year-old son, Carson. 


In his spare time, Shawn enjoys playing a round of golf, cheering for Cincinnati sports, and spending time with his family. He’s also very committed to his faith and active in his church, serving as the Missions Coordinator and is on the local board.


In addition to his role as Vice President, Shawn serves as the Training School Manager. In this role, he instructs and trains contractors how to stain masonry the right way. After the two-day training session, the contractors are certified to use our staining system for their own businesses.

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