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Masonry Cosmetics
brick staining blog
Masonry Cosmetics
1 min read
Your Questions about brick staining, answered
Answers to your burning questions about brick staining. Like, what is a brick stain? How is painting brick different than staining brick?
Masonry Cosmetics
4 min read
Preservations and Restorations: Understanding the Challenges, and the Need for Brick Matching
Historical restorations preserve the architectural, aesthetic and historic character of a community or area.
Masonry Cosmetics
4 min read
The Benefits of Choosing a Brick House
Brick homes are safe, reliable and timeless. When you choose a brick home, you're choosing a smart, long-term investment.
Masonry Cosmetics
4 min read
Your Guide to Matching Brick
Follow these steps for a successful, seamless brick match for your brick repair or addition.
Masonry Cosmetics
4 min read
Ideas to Beautifully Transform your Brick Fireplace
DIY updating the look of your brick fireplace can give you a fresh look in your interior space, as well as a sense of accomplishment.
Masonry Cosmetics
3 min read
Choosing the Best Brick Stain for Your Home
Your guide to choosing the best brick stain for your brick home.
Masonry Cosmetics
3 min read
Three Reasons to Say No to Painting Brick
Painted brick houses may look appealing for now, but in a short time, brick paint can ruin your brick, while costing more money over time.
Masonry Cosmetics
3 min read
How to Stain Brick
You want to update the look of your brick house, but have heard the horror stories about why you shouldn't paint brick. Luckily, brick stain
Masonry Cosmetics
2 min read
whitewashing brick with Staining: The Eco-Friendly Alternative
Create a rustic whitewash brick fireplace look, or transform your curb appeal with a whitewash brick house.
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